From 1976 to present: the working life



Annual contract for industrial policy consultancy with the European Space Agency. The task represents continuity for what was done in previous positions in ESA.

FROM 1987 TO 2009

Senior Database management Official in the Finance Department of the European Space Agency at its Paris Head Office Rensponsible for the regular analysis and preparation for publication of the Geographical Distribution of Industrial return. Defining, setting and operating the computerized Database Management System; providing counsel to Directors and member States on Industrial policy matters. I have reached grade A4 in this coordinated International Organization.

FROM 1985 TO 1987

Conselor for Economics Statistic at Pitagora S.p.A. Cosenza (Calabria), Italy Main tasks: advising clients and peers on data quality and reliability and data interpretation and preferred statistical processing; advising top management about commercial off the shelf statistical data processing packages, based on market surveys and product evaluation. Complementary tasks: assisting in corporate sales campaigns and lialison with Italian press.

Teacher on programming languages at Istituto Merry Del Val, Rome, Italy Elaborated, prepared and conducted student courses on COBOL

FROM 1983 TO 1984

Statistic and Econometrics Analyst in General Directorate for Economic and Financial Affairs, European Communities Commission, Brussell, Belgium. Appointment was outcome of a public competition extended to all Member States of the European Comminities. Actively partecipated in the operations of the Link Model and in the design and analysis of the Comet Model, both powerful data processing tools required for E.C. short and medium term macroeconomic projections.

FROM 1976 TO 1983

Electronic Data Processing Programmer and Analyst at Italsiel S.p.A., Rome, Italy. Designed and implemented algorithms and mathematical and statistical models for the R.G.S. (the Italian State General Accounting Service), for tax yield forcast, wich where instrumental to the State Budget preparation process.


FROM 1991 TO 2000

Member of the European Association for Evolutionary Political Economics. Attended the 1992 Congress in Paris (France) and yhe 1996 Congress in Antwerpen (Belgium).

FROM 1978 TO 1987

Member of Italian Association for Operational Research (A.I.R.O.) Took part to the national Congress of TURIN (1980) and VENICE (1986)
Entered the European Working Group on Operational Research in the Public Sector, where presented working papers in 1978 (at York, United Kingdom) and in 1983 (at Patras, Greece)
Took part to three European congress on Operational Research (Cambridge, United Kingdom, 1980) and at the 7th one (Bologna, Italy, 1985) presented technical/scientific papers.


Even though not a member I presented technical/scientific papers at the...

General UMI (Italian Mathematical Union) Congress of Naples (1999), Milan (2003) and Bari (2007).
The World Congress of the International Association of Environmetrics (Portland, Oregon, USA, 2001).
The 9th International Conference on Mathematics for Quantum Mechanics (Giens, France, 2004).
Conference on "Advances in Partial Differential Equations" in memory of Filippo Chiarenza (Messina, Italy, 2005)
World Conference on "Analytical Methods and Differential Equations" (Minsk, Belarus, 2006)
World Conference on "Analytical Methods and Differential Equations" (Minsk, Belarus, 2011)