The art of making understandable complex concepts


In 2018 Valerio Raganelli received the Mediterraneos award for the complex of his non-fiction production


Books published by COLOSSEO editor of VALERIO Raganelli

Colosseo Editore

To make a commentary from a philosophical angle of view, of the results of scientific research of the twentieth century, of the sciences that we usually define as HARD science. A philosophical opening to maximize the diffusion, in contrast with some markedly sectorial and now obsolete Enlightenment visions.

Special Literary Prize (Unique) Giacomo Luzzagni

Colosseo Editore

It sometimes happens that something right is at the same time very simple; But the phrase: «Why make it simple when you can make it complicated?» is the motto of the bureaucrat and possibly the Baroque. In non-fiction in general and here in particular, it is not a question of surprising but of seeking the true. It also happens that elementary truths are forgotten or neglected and this often has deteriorated consequences.

3rd prize for not fiction published in the Literary contest "Gian Antonio cibotto " in 2018

Colosseo Editore

Dialogue with three voices about exact Sciences, ontology and epistemology.

Between the lines, between the pages, between the chapters clearly emerges the constant intertwining between science and philosophy: one constantly questions about the contribution that science can bring to philosophical questions and how modern science can provide useful insights into Reflection in extra-scientific field. Obviously one of the recurring themes on which we discuss is the existence of God.

4th Prize for non-fiction published in the literary contest "La Locanda del Doge", called by the homonymous Cultural Association, in 2015

Colosseo Editore

In collaboration with Dr. Luciano Giallombardo

Quantum problem with N bodies: particular case for n = 4-from the time of Leibniz, and after Isaac Newton had published his fundamental treatise, the "Principia", the physicists took to study the behavior of n interactive bodies. All those who study analysis are passionate about the problem and still today they develop research and verifications.


Alcune applicazioni della teoria del rischio alla Meccanica Quantistica - Giornale dell'Istituto Italiano degli Attuari, vol.XXXVI (p.109), 1973

Modello Stocastico dell'Evoluzione di un Titolo Azionario e rischio connesso con il suo acquisto come investimento - Giornale dell'Istituto Italiano degli Attuari, vol. XXXVIII (p.110), 1975.

Un'applicazione del metodo di Ottimizzazione di Powell ad un problema di Econometria, with Silvana Pelosi - Nonlinear Optimisation and Applications, volume in the series Quaderni dell'Unione Matematica Italiana, by Incerti e Treccani. Edition Pitagora, Bologna, 1980.

An approximation Method in a Balance of Payments problem - Proceeding of the Third Internationl Catalan Symposium on Statistic, Barcellona (Spagna), 1986

Fuzzy Sets and Databases, short communications in the proceedingsof the World Congress on Computational Statistic, Rome (Italia), 1986

Propagation of Elastic Wave in a Discrete Medium, with Bruno Alessandrini, European Journal of Mechanics, sec. A, Vol 8, n°2, 1989

Propagation of Acustic Waves in a non Homogeneous Discrete Medium, with Bruno Alessandrini, European Journal of Mechanics, sec. A, vol.11 n°4, 1992

Introducing long Waves into Pasinetti's model of structural change: the price movements with Angelo Reati, Economie Appliquèe, vol. XLVI, n°1 (p.5), 1993

About the Analytical Solution of the Cauchy Problem for the Schrodinger equation (Proceedings Inst. Mathematics Minsk)2004, vol.12 n°2.

Fourier transform, Bessel functions and eigenfunctions of a broad class of linear differential operators - Proceedings of the 6-th International Conference “Analytic Methods of Analysis and Differential Equations”: (editor S.V.Rogosin). – Vol. 2. Differential equations. – Minsk: Institute of Mathematics of National Academy of Science of Belarus, 2012. – P. 115-119.