An endless path...

My University education starts in 1968, when I entered in the Physics college; to this experience were added other courses and fellowships as detailed below:

FROM 1968 TO 1973

Graduations in Physics (orientation General Physics), University of Rome
Thesis: STATISTICAL FOUNDATIONS OF CLASSICAL FLUID MECHANICS (ORIGINAL IN ITALIAN) tutor was late Carlo Cattaneo, tenured Professor of Rational Mechanics.

FROM 1973 TO 1974

Federal Institute of technology Lausanne, Switzerland. Third cycle diploma in Mathematical Statistics; fellowship awarded by the Swiss Federal Government. This has also led to my first publication in a refereed journal.

DAL 1974 AL 1975

University of Geneva, Switzerland: postgraduate studies in the field of Astrophisics and Cosmology; a fellowship was awarded by the Fondation Italo-Suisse


Universidad Federico Mayor, Valparaiso, Chile, Summer Session Programme of the International Space University from July to September.


ITALIAN - Native language

FRENCH - Speak and write fluently

ENGLISH - Speak and write fluently

SPANISH - Speak and write very well

DUTCH - Basic knowledge